Meadowbrook Leadership Institute

The Meadowbrook Leadership Institute (MLI) is an internal research and development program, funded by generous donors. The MLI encourages faculty to seek out programs and initiatives that will have a lasting impact on the students. The MLI gives them the time and funding to explore a passion project, test it out, and bring it to fruition. Scroll down to read about just a few of the MLI projects from the past several years.



Solar Installation Projects in Costa Rica

An MLI grant allowed the Meadowbrook community to install solar electricity in a remote school on the Bribri Indigenous Reservation in Costa Rica, bringing power to the first lights in two schoolhouse buildings, as well as a pump to provide running water for the thatched-roof kitchen.

Community Garden & Chicken Coop

With the goal of increasing opportunities for outdoor learning and a grant from MLI, a chicken coop was constructed and installed next to the community garden in 2022. The coop’s 12 chickens offer students a hands-on way to bring the natural world into their curriculum.


Multicultural Teaching Institute

Created by Meadowbrook faculty in 2015, MTI is an annual conference attended by teachers and administrators of grades K-12 nationwide. The Institute provides a collaborative way for participants to explore their own cultural identity and understand how that intersects with teaching and learning.

Other Professional Development Opportunities


The summer sabbatical program is a travel grant for faculty to take a trip of their choosing, for either professional or personal renewal. Two sabbaticals are awarded every year to faculty who have worked at Meadowbrook for seven or more years. Recently, faculty have taken their sabbaticals to Israel, India, Belize, and Alaska.

Summer Experience Grants

Sometimes, faculty have an in-depth professional interest they want to explore, but don’t have the time during the school year. Summer grants allow faculty to attend conferences or classes to further their knowledge and expertise of their subject matter. Recently, faculty have used summer grants to take courses in screen printing, television production, and yoga.

Annual Professional Development Grants

Each year, the whole faculty attends professional development sessions as a group during special professional development days. In addition, faculty work together during the year at faculty and divisional meetings to learn new school-wide initiatives.

Specialized Professional Development Grants

Faculty are encouraged to seek out specialized conferences and training opportunities to keep their skills sharp and stay ahead of the latest trends in their fields.

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