Students’ individual needs vary greatly, and part of loving and challenging every child means knowing what specific support they need. The Meadowbrook Student Support learning specialists attend team meetings for all grade levels, collaborate on curriculum with faculty, work within the classroom, and coach teachers as they support a diverse range of learners.

In the Lower School, learning specialists embed with specific grade levels and provide small-group instruction for language arts. In the Middle School, they help teachers build executive functioning support into their instruction, including organization, planning, and study skills.

Discover our Lower School

Discover our Middle School

The Student Support team also partners with faculty and families to design and implement support plans for children who are struggling academically or have identified learning challenges. This may include one-on-one learning lab support for students in grades 3–8. In these individual sessions, our learning specialists work on fundamental reading and writing skills, help students with diagnosed attentional challenges develop essential executive functioning skills, and assist with homework support, test preparation, and long-term project planning.